Monday, February 23, 2009


Make money online

I must admit that there are far more superior blogs out there showing you how to make money on the internet, than what I have here at the moment, but I'm just trying to be another one those people trying to decipher all these techniques into basic online money making information.

I'm not puting my hand up and saying that I'm an expert at making money on the internet, far from it, I'm probably just like you, know a few tricks, read countless blogs and articles, tried my hand at a few blogs with certain keywords on it, but so far havent really made much.

You know what though guys, this is all about to change for you and me, as we together are going to rise to the top and get money on the internet like all those others say that they are, and it aint going to cost us a cent!

In this SEO section over the next few posts, or however long it takes to explain what I want to with these subjects, we shall cover the importance of Keywords, Ranking, Backlinks, and others which are all aimed at getting traffic to your site or blog.

Getting Traffic / The Importance of Keywords

So you've set up your nice new blog or site, which is focused on a certain keyword and you're wanting to make a little or alot of online money from it right? Well you wouldn't be reading another blog on how to make money on the internet if you weren't interested in it would you?

Generating traffic to your site/blog is important if you want to earn any sort of online money. Hmmm you might be looking at this with a stupid look on your face saying tell me something I dont know, or maybe youre just thinking how do I generate traffic??

Firstly what is it that your'e trying to generate traffic for on your site/blog? Is it a keyword that many people are actually searching for? Maybe it's a keyword that has a lot of competition that already know all the SEO tricks? Maybe you should look at other keywords first?

I like to check out my fellow bloggers sites before starting anything, type a few keywords I'm interested in into google and see what's on their site, and think of ways I can do it better, or maybe just stay away from it if I think I'm out of my league.

Of course you might just be in it for the money, and have a site/blog with not much interesting content on it, just something that is optimized for a certain keyword that you are trying to get people to click on links and adsense. But still you need to know how to use SEO to get onto that first page on google.

My whole goal with this how to make money blog is about optimizing googles search engine, yes yahoo and the others is nice as well, but the number one engine is google, so lets aim for a number one spot with our keywords on google.

So what do we do first? Let's optimize our layout for our keyword phrase.
I usually use blogger for my blogs, but I also like to dip my toe in wordpress, and others, but let us focus on blogger layouts for the time being.

First of all your URL should contain your keyword in it, if you can't get exactly what you want, keep trying variations until you can, but try and get some type of variation of your keyword in your URL address. Have your keywords in your page title, as well as in your sidebar titles as well. You want google to know what your keyword is when it comes searching your site.

Now for your post. Make sure your post title has your keyword in it. Have your keyword used around 6 times only per 100 words that you have written, if you over indulge with your phrase, then google might class your blog as spam, and you will go into that dreaded sandbox!

Bold your keyword a couple of times, and post some relevant content to do with your topic, maybe even have an italic one in there somewhere, it just make it stand out that this is the emphasis of your site. Also try and use it in the last sentence of your post.

How long your posts are is totally upto you, but the longer the post, the more times you can fit your word into it, and you can get indexed with other terms as well, meaning more traffic for different searches.

So this is the first post on SEO (search engine optimization) on make money on the internet, If it has helped one person alone then I shall be happy, if it's the same old same, then keep reading my next few posts and I hope that you may find something new.


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