Saturday, February 28, 2009

Search Engines

Make money on the internet

To understand how to get ranked by a search engine, it helps to understand a little about search engines themselves.

Everyone knows how to use one right? You find your search engine site, type in what you want to find and you get a list of all the sites that are related to your enquiry. But not everyone searches the same ways.

Lets take "how to make money" as a search option. Someone might type it as just that, then someone else might try a get more specific about it like "learn how to make money on the internet", or you get others who type in a full question, then someone else might just type "make money".

How do we try and target all these people? is it possible? Hopefully over the next few weeks we can target all these keywords and get them to your site!

The three major search engines that we shall try and target to get traffic from are, MSN, Yahoo, and of course Google.

Google has been around since 1997, its become the most popular one, and its the one that most people try to get number one with! It's the most accurate one out there, and no-one really knows what gets you to number one, as it changes constantly, as when someone works out how to get to number one on google with seo, google will add some other criterior that you will have to work on. As long as you grow with the google algorithms with experimentation, you should do good staying on top. Try all old techniques, the new techniques, and try to keep up to date wuith whats going on with the internet, or it will leave you behind.

Yahoo is a search engine, but its also a web directory, a list of the different web pages on the internet, sorted into category, and sub category. Theres also a paid program to be listed in yahoo, which some think is the way you get to the top of yahoo.

MSN is the new kid on the block, and not as popular as yahoo or google. MSN searches are based on page content, which is good for a new site, emphasised for specific keywords. Being listed on MSN sooner rather than later will help increase your traffic.

How to get ranked highly in all search engines is trial and error, and you should only try one thing at a time so you know what works for your next site, and when you try something else, you know if that is helping you out as well.

Its all time and patience, but if youre willing to give it a lot of effort at first, then it will pay off in the long run. Keep an eye on the sites that rank at the number one positions, and see if you can work out what they do, as they didnt get there by accident..


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